vendredi 20 mai 2011

Apéro tricot !

Dimanche 22 juin, à 17h, apéro tricot au bar la Maison, avec les cours de tricot de la Fée Rouge !!!

Alors rendez-vous, avec ou sans aiguilles, au 9 rue Gabriel Péri à Toulouse !

jeudi 19 mai 2011

Quand les hommes tricotent...

.. voilà ce que ça donne !

"Brighton cafe owner knits the Royal Pavilion

Cafe owner Peter Allinson is definitely not pulling the wool over anyone's eyes with his replica of the Royal Pavilion.
The 41-year-old spent six months on and off knitting his own version of the iconic Brighton landmark which he is displaying in the window of Temptation Cafe, in Gardner Street, Brighton.
Mr Allinson, who was taught to knit by his mother as a child, made the display, complete with felt seagulls, for Brighton Festival.
The display, called The Silent Seagulls, follows on from last year's model of the Palace Pier and the legwarmers he made for Max Miller The café is also full of Mr Allinson's knitted tea cosies which always cause a stir when customers receive them.
He said: “This is a great way to make people in Brighton smile and to bring people to our wonderful North Laine.” "

mardi 17 mai 2011

Ed Bing Lee

Il a un nom digne d'une onomatopée et il tricote des choses qui se mangent.... je ne pouvais qu'être fan !!!
Merci à mon homonyme masculin de Bordeaux qui m'a envoyé le lien....

... et spécial dédicace à ma copine Florence qui nous regarde du Québec et "qu'aime ben les bonnes choooses à mainger !" 

lundi 16 mai 2011


"I started doing a series on compulsive knitters, to address the subjects that fascinate me the most: The capacity to create and self-destruction, two of the most endearing and defining qualities of human nature. Now the act of knitting has become a central part of my work and through photography I speak of my experience. These characters are dear to me, they deal with themselves and with what they have created in a very intense way. For me the knitting can represent many things: the creation of a safe place, creativity at its most basic form, an obsession channeled in an attempt to preserve mental health or a creation that destroys and consumes it's creator, like Frankenstein's monster. I love the place where concepts swivel and contradict themselves, the point where things meet and complete their cycle. If idleness is the beginning of all vice and being busy it's sole distraction, it’s possible that at some point occupation should itself become vice. Now I knit constantly."

Texte et photos Daniel Edburg.